Chocolate Meringue Buttercream Frosting

I LOVE this cake recipe! Maybe it's because it's from my mom, who was the BEST baker on the planet, or maybe it's just that good. Or both! Either way, I featured this recipe in two of my books, and now, you'll see me make it on the show!! Tune in to watch episode #301 of Plates & Places, coming to your local public television station in 2020!!
Oh, and this was also featured in the nicest article about me and my mom on SFGate here.
5 large egg whites
1 1/4 cups sugar
3 sticks unsalted butter, slightly cold and slightly softened, cut into cubes
8 ounces cooled, melted, excellent quality, 70% bittersweet chocolate
Place the egg whites and sugar in a clean heat-proof metal or glass bowl for the stand mixer. Wisk together for 10 seconds.
Choose a pan that’s big enough to place your stand mixer bowl into it without touching the bottom of the pan. Fill the pan with a small amount of water making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Bring to a gentle boil. Whisk the egg whites and sugar, whisking constantly, until the mixture is warm to the touch and no longer grainy, about 2 to 3 minutes. You can check by dipping your fingertip into the mixture and check for graininess.
Remove the bowl from the pan and using the whip and stand mixer, whip the whites and sugar on high until the mixture is cool and you have stiff peaks, about 6 to 10 minutes.
Switch to a paddle, lower the speed to medium and add knobs of butter in several additions. It will look like it’s not going to come together, but keep mixing and then it will come together.
Add the cooled chocolate and mix together just until mixed.